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Thống kê bài báo ISI/SCOPUS của Khoa Kinh tế Chính trị

TT Tên bài báo Tác giả Tên tạp chí (Tập, số, trang, nước XB, đường link đến website của tạp chí nếu có …) Tạp chí thuộc loại Năm xuất bản
1 How to achieve economic growth for human development? A Vietnamese Perspective" Tran Duc Hiep International Young Scholars Worshop (IYSW): "The Emerging Economies in the Post - Crisis Era: Challenges, Oportunities, Prospects", Kyoto University, 30 July 2010.
07/2010 2010
2 Farmland acquisition and livelihood choises of household in Hanoi's peri-urban areas Tran Quang Tuyen Economic Bulletin of Senshu University. Vol 46, No1
2011 2011
3 "Regional Integration - A Stepping Stone for the Internationalization of Higher Education? - The Case Study of Vietnam National University, Hanoi", Nguyen Thuy Anh First International Conference on International Relations and Development, ICIRD 2011, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-20/5, 2011.
05/2011 2011
4 Effectiveness of the Global Banking System in 2010: A data Envelopment Analysis Approach Ngo Dang Thanh Chinese Business Review, Vol 10, November 2011
11/2011 2011
5 Measuring the Performance of the Banking System Case of Vietnam (1990-2010) Ngo Dang Thanh Jounal of Applied Finance & Banking, vol 2, no.2, 2012, 289 – 312
2012 2012
Ngo Dang Thanh

10/2012 2012
7 Farmland and peri-urban livelihoods in Hanoi, Vietnam: Evidence from household survey data in Hanoi's peri-urban areas, Vol 7, Issue 7, pp. 580-590, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. TS Trần Quang Tuyến Vol 7, Issue 7, pp. 580-590, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science.
05/2013 2013
8 The emerging food retail structure
of Vietnam Phases of expansion in
a post-socialist environment (International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management/31 trang/Tháng 7 năm 2013).
TS Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hải (International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management/31 trang/Tháng 7 năm 2013).
07/2013 2013
9 “Responding to loss of farmland: The role of social capital”, The Senshu Social Capital Review, No 4, tr 25-44, 2013. TS Trần Quang Tuyến The Senshu Social Capital Review, No 4, tr 25-44, 2013.
09/2013 2013
10 Livelihood strategies for coping with land loss among households in Vietnam's sub-urban areas, Vol 9, Issue 15, pp. 33-46, 2013, Asian Social Science TS Trần Quang Tuyến Tạp chí nước ngoài ( SCOPUS):Vol 9, Issue 15, pp. 33-46, 2013, Asian Social Science
11/2013 2013
11 "Exports and profitability: A note from quantile regression approach", Applied Economics Letters, 21(6), 442-445, 2014. [ISI & SCOPUS] TS Trần Quang Tuyến Applied Economics Letters, 21(6), 442-445, 2014. [ISI & SCOPUS] ISI 2014 2014
12 “Farmland loss and poverty: Evidence from household survey data in Hanoi's peri-urban areas, Vietnam”, the Journal Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 4(4), 199-209, 2014. [SCOPUS]. TS Trần Quang Tuyến the Journal Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 4(4), 199-209, 2014. [SCOPUS]. Scopus 2014 2014
13 “Farmland loss and livelihood outcomes: A microeconometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19(3), 1-20, 2014 [ISI & SCOPUS] TS Trần Quang Tuyến Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19(3), 1-20, 2014 [ISI & SCOPUS] ISI 2014 2014
14 Tran Quang Tuyen, Steven Lim, Michael P Cameron and Vu Van Huong, “Farmland loss, nonfarm diversification and inequality among households in Hanoi's peri-urban areas, Vietnam”, International Development Planning Review, 36(3), 357-379, 2014. [ISI & Scopus]. TS Trần Quang Tuyến International Development Planning Review, 36(3), 357-379, 2014. [ISI & Scopus]. ISI 04/2014 2014
15 Doan Thanh Tinh, Nguyen Hong Son, Tran Quang Tuyen, Vu Van Huong and Steven Lim (2015) “Does rising import competition harm local firm productivity in less advanced economies? Evidence from the Vietnam’s manufacturing sector”,The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638199.2015.1035739 (ISI) Trần Quang Tuyến The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638199.2015.1035739 (ISI)
04/2014 2014
16 Re-Regulation in the Post-WTO Period? A Case Study of Vietnam's Food Retailing Sector Growth and Change. Volume 45, Issue 2, pages 377–396, June 2014 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/grow.12043/abstract) TS Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hải (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/grow.12043/abstract)
06/2014 2014
17 The Optimal Point for Fiscal Decentralization (European Journal of Business and Management,
Vol.6, No.20, July 2014) PGS.TS Phạm Thị Hồng Điệp European Journal of Business and Management,
Vol.6, No.20, July 2014
07/2014 2014
18 Tran Quang Tuyen and Vu Van Huong, "The impact of land loss on household income: The case of Hanoi's sub-urban areas, Vietnam”, International Journal of Business and Society, 16(2), 339-358, 2014. [Scopus]. TS Trần Quang Tuyến International Journal of Business and Society, 16(2), 339-358, 2014. [Scopus]. Scopus 07/2014 2014
19 Tran Quang Tuyen, “A review on the link between non-farm employment, land and rural livelihoods in developing countries and Vietnam”, Economic Horizons - Ekonomski horizonti, 16(2), 113-123, 2014 [ProQuest &EconLit]. TS Trần Quang Tuyến Economic Horizons - Ekonomski horizonti, 16(2), 113-123, 2014 [ProQuest &EconLit].
08/2014 2014
20 Emperical study of export aversion of Polish SMEs Nguyen Truc Le International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, No 2 (April 2015)
04/2015 2015
21 Tran Quang Tuyen, Nguyen Hong Son, Vu Van Huong and Nguyen Quoc Viet, (2015) “A note on poverty among ethnic minorities in the North-West region, Vietnam”, Post-Communist Economies, 27 (3), 268-281. (ISI) Trần Quang Tuyến Post-Communist Economies, 27 (3), 268-281. (ISI)
05/2015 2015
22 Doan Thanh Tinh and Tran Quang Tuyen, ( 2015), “Credit participation and constraints of the poor in peri-urban areas, Vietnam: A micro-econometric analysis of a household survey”,Argumenta Oeconomica, 34 (1), 175-200 (ISI) Trần Quang Tuyến Argumenta Oeconomica, 34 (1), 175-200 (ISI)
05/2015 2015
23 What Determines Export Participation of Private Domestic Manufacturing SMEs in Vietnam. Asian Social Science Vol 11 No 15; 5/2015, tr. 70 - 75 Trần Đức Hiệp Asian Social Science Vol 11 No 15; 5/2015, tr. 70 - 75
05/2015 2015
24 Socio-economic determinants of household income among ethnic minorities in the North-West mountains, Vietnam. Tran Quang Tuyen Croatian Economic Survey, 2015, July, Vol 17, Iss 1, pp. 139-159
07/2015 2015
25 Nonfarm employment and household income among ethic minorities in Vietnam Tran Quang Tuyen Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2015, October, Vol 28, Iss 1, pp. 703-716
10/2015 2015
26 Fiscal Decentralization and Agricultural Field : Empirical Evidence from Vietnam (first author) Phạm Thị Hồng Điệp, Nguyễn Viết Hãnh Journal of Applied Sciences, ISSN 1812-5654DOI
2016 2016
27 Religiosity and Subjective Well-Being Among Old People: Evidence from a Transitional Country Tuyen, Thanh, Huong, Tinh Applied Research in Quality of Lifes
2016 2016
28 Firm agglomeration and local poverty reduction: evidence from an economy in transition Cuong, Long , Tuyen Asian -Pacific Economic Literature
2016 2016
29 Corruption, provincial institutions and manfacturing firm productivity: new evidence from a transitional economy Tuyen, Huong, Tinh, Hiep Estudios de Economia
2016 2016
30 Ethnic Minorities in the Northwest region of Vietnam: Employment, Poverty and Income Cuong, Tuyen, Huong Social Indicators Research
2016 2016
31 Firm exporting and productivity: What if productivity is no longer a black box? Huong, Mark,Tuyen, Lim Baltic Journal of Economics
2016 2016
32 Factors affecting the intensity of nonfarm participation among ethnic minorities in North-West Mountains, Vietnam Tuyen, Huong, Tinh International Journal of Social Economics
2016 2016
33 Corruption, types of corruption and firmfinancial performance: new evidence from a transitional Economy Huong, Tuyen, Tuan, Lim Journal of Business Ethics
2016 2016
34 Does Firm Agglomeration Matter to Labor and Education of Local Children? Evidence in Vietnam Long, Cuong, Tuyen, Thieu Child Indicators Research
2016 2016
35 Heterogeneous Credit Impacts on Health Care Spending of the Poor in Peri-Urban Areas, Vietnam: Quantile Treatement Effect Estimation Tinh, Gibson, Tuyen SAGE open
2016 2016
36 Does Economic Inequality Affect Quality of Life of Older People in Rural Vietnam. Tuyen, Cuong, Huong Journal of Happiness Studies, ISI
Tháng 1, 2017, trang 1-20

2017 2017
37 A microeconometric analysis of housing and life satisfaction among the Vietnamese elderly Tuyen, Huong Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, ISI
Tháng 2,2017, trang 1-17

2017 2017
38 Lost in Transition? Declining Returns to Education in Vietnam Tinh, Quan, Tuyen European Journal of Development Research
Tháng 4,2017, trang 1-24, ISI

2017 2017
39 1. Ngo, D. T., & Tripe, David. (2017). Measuring efficiency of Vietnamese banks: Accounting for nonperforming loans in a single-step stochastic cost frontier analysis. Pacific Accounting Review, 29(2). Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/toc/par/29/2
2017 2017
40 Ngo, D. T. (2017, July 5). A new approach to estimate the confidence intervals for DEA efficiency scores with application for the Asia-Pacific Airlines. In Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference 2017. Belgium.

05/2017 2017
41 Ngo, D. T. (2017, March 1). Fisher total factor productivity index for time series data with unknown price. In Performance Measurement Association Australasia (PMAA) Conference 2017. Dunedin, New Zealand.

01/2017 2017
42 Ngo, D. T., & Le, T. (2017, February 9). Financial market development and bank efficiency: A cross-country analysis. In New Zealand Financial Colloquium 2017. Auckland, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.nzfc.ac.nz/archives/2017/programme/

09/2017 2017
43 International Trade and Employment: A Quantile Regression Approach Hoi, Tuyen Journal of Economic Integration. 32(3), 531-557 [Scopus]. Sejong University, South Korea.
Scopus 2017 2017
44 Housing satisfaction and its correlates: a quantitative study among residents living in their own affordable apartments in urban Hanoi, Vietnam Tuan, Tuyen, Huong, Dat International Joural of Sustainable Urban Development
Scopus 2017 2017
45 Prioritization of Factors Impacting on Water Security Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method Tran Thi Lan Huong, Nguyen Truc Le, Do Anh Duc and Nguyen Xuan Long Asian Journal of Scientific Research
SCOPUS Số 3 (2017) 2017
46 Operational Efficiency of Bank Loans and Deposits: A Case Study of Vietnamese Banking System Tram Nguyen 1, David Tripe 1OrcID and Thanh Ngo 2,* Int. J. Financial Stud. 2018, 6(1), 14; doi:10.3390/ijfs6010014
06/2018 2018
47 Forestland and household livelihoods in the North Central Provinces, Vietnam Trần Quang Tuyến, Nguyễn Viết Thành Land Use Policy, tháng 8/ 2018
ISI 08/2018 2018
48 Local governance and occupational choice among young people: first evidence from Vietnam Trần Quang Tuyến, Trần Lan Anh, Phạm Minh Thái, Vũ Văn Hưởng Children and Youth Services Review, tháng 5/2018
ISI 05/2018 2018
49 Provincial competitiveness and labour market returns in Vietnam, Đoàn Thanh Tịnh, Trần Quang Tuyến, Nguyễn Thị Hiền Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, tháng 12/2018
ISI 12/2018 2018
50 The role of education in the livelihood of households in the Northwest region, Vietnam Trần Anh Tài, Trần Quang Tuyến, Trần Thế Nữ, Nguyễn Thị Hải Educational Research for Policy and Practice, tháng 11/2018
Scopus 11/2018 2018
51 Government Support and Firm Profitability in Vietnam Nguyễn Minh Thành, Trần Quang Tuyến, Đỗ Thành Long Comparative Economic Research, tháng 12/2018 Scopus 12/2018 2018
52 The impact of government support on firm performance in Vietnam: new evidence from a dynamic approach Nguyễn Thị Thu Hoài, Vũ Văn Hưởng, Francesca Bactolacci, Trần Quang Tuyến Asian Academy of Managerment, Vol 23, No2, 2018 Scopus 12/2018 2018
53 Application of Holstat model in evaluating the quality of education: Evidence from Vietnam Pham Thi Hong Diep, Nguyen Viet Hanh Management Science Leter, Volume 9 Issue 11 Pages 1741 - 1748
Scopus 06/2019 2019
54 Local governance, education and occupation-education mismatch: Heterogeneous effects on wages in a lower middle income economy Tran, T. Q., Pham, H. H., Vo, H. T., Luu, T. H., & Nguyen, H. M International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 79, November, 2019 ISI 11/2019 2019
55 Is Land Ownership a Key Factor in the Choice of Livelihood in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam? an Hoang, C., Tran, T. Q., Nguyen, Y. H. T., & Nguyen, K. D Human Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-019-00101-y ISI
56 Access to homebuyer credit and housing satisfaction among households buying affordable apartments in urban Vietnam Nguyen, T. A., Tran, T. Q., Van, H. V., & Luu, D. Q. Cogent Economics & Finance, 7(1). doi:10.1080/23322039.2019.1638112 Scopus
57 Land fragmentation and household income: First evidence from rural Vietnam Tran, T. Q., Van, H Land Use Policy, Vol 89, December,

58 Heterogenous impacts of provincial governance on household welfare in Vietnam Tran, T. Q., Doan, T.T, Van, H.V & Nguyen H,T International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol 2 (2), 229-240 ISI

59 The impact of CEOS to CSR Practices. The case of Textile and Garment in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam Phan Thi Thu Hien , Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Nguyen Thi Hai Van Case Studies Journal ISSN, Volume 8, Issue 5- May 2019, http://www.casestudiesjournal.com/Volume%208%20Issue%205%20Paper%204.pdf IF 05/2019
60 The impact of management profile on CSR practices, mediate and moderate model: The case of Textile and Garment in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Phan Thi Thu Hien , Nguyen Thi Hai Van Management Science Letters, On line first:June, 2019, http://growingscience.com/msl/online_issues.html Scopus 06/2019